레이저 가속 플라이어 충돌에 의한 금속 표면상의 마이크로 딤플 어레이 가공 및 특성 파악
In this paper, we have studied an efficient fabrication method that can produce a microscale dimple array at one instance by striking the workpiece with a thin metallic flyer accelerated by laser-induced plasma. Because the workpiece was embossed with the high-speed impact of the flyer, the benefits of high-speed processing, such as improved formability, could be realized. The effects of the laser-beam size, relative ratio of the laser-beam size to the flyer diameter, and flyer thickness on the forming performance were examined. It was found that, when the laser-beam size was smaller than the mold shape, the manufacturing performance was significantly lowered. To ensure the uniformity of the embossing dimples, it was more effective to increase the flyer speed by reducing the flyer thickness, rather than the diameter. Future research is needed to determine the optimal process conditions to improve the homogeneity of the dimple array.
Laser accelerated flyer, Plasma, Micro dimple array, Embossing, Surface patterningAcknowledgments
이 연구는 서울과학기술대학교 교내 학술연구비 지원으로 수행 되었습니다.
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