소형화된 피동응축용 냉각탱크 내 온도분포와 비등현상에 관한 실험적 연구
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the water temperature distribution and saturated boiling phenomenon in a small-scale passive condensate cooling tank that is part of an emergency passive auxiliary feedwater system used in nuclear power plants. During the heating process using an electric heater inserted in the tank, the temperature of water was measured at 36 locations. Isothermal line contours were generated based on the experimental data. The contours indicated that the water above the heater location had a nearly uniform temperature due to free convection flow. Conversely, a strong temperature gradient was observed in the water below the heater location. The bubble departure diameters at the cylindrical heater surface were measured using images captured by a high-speed camera. The diameters were observed to be within the range of values predicted using existing correlations.
Boiling, Nuclear power plant, Passive auxiliary feedwater system, Passive condensate cooling tank, Stratification, Temperature distributionAcknowledgments
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