헬리컬 코일 내 층류유동에서의 마찰 및 열전달 특성에 대한 수치해석 연구
In this study, we have numerically investigated the friction characteristics and heat transfer coefficients for laminar flow in helically coiled pipes. Basic geometric shape parameters of helical coil geometry such as curvature and pitch (or torsion) were taken into account. The range of the geometric shapes considered in this study exceeds the range available in literature. Thus, the present study supplements existing results. The results obtained in this study are, to a certain extent, different from existing correlations and results. Furthermore, our results indicate that the assumption that friction and heat transfer coefficients in helically coiled pipes can be estimated by applying modified diameters to the correlations for curved pipes is not correct.
Helically coiled pipes, Curved pipes, Friction coefficient, Heat transfer coefficientAcknowledgments
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