소형 다이어프램 펌프의 성능개선을 위한 개스킷 형상에 대한 연구
In this study, the gasket shape of a small diaphragm pump was investigated to improve the pump performance and efficiency. The present pump is used for an electric toothbrush that automatically drains out gargling water. The discharge and suction areas are selected as a design factor. To simulate debris in gargling water, various diamond particles were mixed into water. The results show that both the flow rate and pump head increase with discharge and suction areas; however, an optimum discharge to suction area ratio of 2.82 exists. In this condition, the pump water power and efficiency are enhanced by about 16% and 27%, respectively. The addition of particles into water decreases the pump performance due to clogging; however, with middle sized particles, the amount of decrease is minimized.
Diaphragm pump, Gasket shape, Pump efficiency, Electric tooth brush, Particle cloggingAcknowledgments
이 연구는 중소기업기술정보원의 산학연협력기술개발사업(연구마을)에서 지원을 받아 수행된 연구 결과입니다.
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