자가 조립이 가능한 비닐하우스 구조 연구
It is not surprising to see now abnormal climate changes in certain local areas can cause disasters. Some of these disasters are related to damage of greenhouse structures that eventually collapse. As the number of such accidents have increased over the years, this study aims to suggest a self-assembling greenhouse structure that provides a stress-tolerant structural design. The proposed model has a honeycomb shape and is different from existing greenhouse shapes. Structural analyses of the new greenhouse under snow and wind loads have been performed and compared to those of conventional greenhouses. The results show that the proposed model causes less stress concentration on the structure than existing models in critical snowy climate conditions.
Stress, Deformation, Greenhouse, Self-assembly, StabilityAcknowledgments
2017년도 강원대학교 대학회계 학술연구 조성비로 연구하였습니다(No. 520170143).
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