구배율 기반 알고리즘을 이용한 문자마킹 용접공정 최적화에 대한 연구

Welding is one of the most fundamental and essential assembly processes in manufacturing. It is an indispensable production technology for modern industries such as shipbuilding, aircraft, and automobile manufacturing. However, owing to the strong arc light, heat, smoke, and noise, one of the main challenges is to ensure the quality of welding because of the poor working environment. In this paper, a mathematical model to determine the correlation between welding parameters and bead width in the GMA welding process is developed and verified. Based on the prediction model using the GBO algorithm, the model is employed as an objective function and a deterministic constraint function to predict the optimal welding parameters on a given top-bead width for the letter-marked system.
GMAW, Process variable, Regression method, Optimization method, GBO (Gradient-Based Optimization)References
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