마스크 기반 전해증착을 통한 미세 전극 형상 제작
Various methods to fabricate micro electrodes exist; however, these methods are generally complex and costly. Although deposition methods for fabricating micro electrodes using a reusable polymer mask have been proposed previously, these cannot address limitations of aspect ratio and shape accuracy of the micro electrodes owing to the process characteristics. This study aims to overcome these limitations by changing the mask structure and improving ion diffusion. The concentration of deposition electrolyte and other basic experimental conditions were the same as used in previous experiments. Various experiments were conducted by changing current density, electrolyte vibration, and electrolyte temperature, which significantly affect ion diffusion during the fabrication process. To verify the feasibility of the proposed process, high aspect ratio electrodes through electrode movement and multiple electrode shapes with a diameter of 200 μm were manufactured.
Electrochemical deposition, Multistage structured mask, Micro deposition, Ion diffusion, Micro electrodeAcknowledgments
이 연구는 서울과학기술대학교 교내연구비의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.
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