우주과학 탑재체(ISSS) 궤도 열해석
In this study, we performed an on-orbit thermal analysis of the Instrument for the Study of Space Storm (ISSS), loaded on NEXTSat-1. ISSS is a major payload of NEXTSat-1, which was launched on December 4, 2018, weighs 13 kg, and has an aluminum frame structure. By varying the base plate temperature and upper shielding material, we analyzed the high energy particle detector temperature change for forty thousand seconds. As a result, the payload became thermally stable after the 2nd orbit cycle of the satellite from initial conditions; the analysis describes the effects of multi-layer insulation and Teflon_VDA, which are upper shielding materials used for thermal control of payloads.
Thermal analysis, NEXSat-1, ISSS, HEPD (High Energy Particle Detector)References
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Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University.His research interest is FEM.
E-mail: malong8484@naver.com
Associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Andong National University.His research interest are FEM and composite materials.
E-mail: hkcho@anu.ac.kr