항공기 Bulkhead의 Chord와 Side Fitting 부품의 밀링 가공 및 변형에 관한 연구
Among bulkhead components (the structure that maintains the rigidity of an aircraft body), the chord (which supports the shear load between the surrounding structure and the web) and the side fitting (which connects and vertically reinforces the body and web) are titanium alloy parts with a high aspect ratio. These parts occupy the critical load path position of the aircraft and are required for large one-piece construction. This study verifies the milling process and deformation of the chord and side fitting. First, the milling characteristics of the Ti–6Al–4V alloy were simulated and the simulated cutting resistance was verified via comparison with experimental result. Next, the effects of the milling conditions on Ti–6Al–4V cutting resistance and cutting temperature were determined in a Taguchi analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio and variance. Finally, the deformation degrees of the BL0 chord and side fitting were determined using the simulated cutting resistance and cutting temperature.
Cutting characteristics, Simulation, Deformation analysis, Large titanium parts, Design of experimentAcknowledgments
본 연구는 과학기술정보통신부 및 정보통신기술진흥센터의 Grand ICT연구센터지원사업(IITP-2019-2016-0-00318) 및 산업통상자원부의 항공우주부품기술 개발 사업(10057941)과 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구결과임(No. 2019R1A5A808320111). 또한 본 연구는 창원대학교 내 스마트제조기술센터의 지원을 받아 수행되었음.
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Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University.His research interests are Machine and Nano-Micro Technology.
E-mail: haho0109@naver.com
(Former) Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University.His research interests are Machine and Grinding Technology.
Director of Research in NDT Engineering & Aerospace Co., ltdHis interests in research are in the field of mechanical devices including robots and the finite element analysis related to them.
E-mail: ysmo@ndteng.co.kr
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University.His research interests are Machine, Nano-Micro Technology, and Precision Manufacturing System.
E-mail: ytcho@changwon.ac.kr