공압 피로 시험기 구성을 위한 공압실린더의 고속/고정밀 제어기술
A hydraulic cylinder is typically used in fatigue testing machines for generating reciprocal motion. Hydraulic cylinders adversely affect the environment because they consume high amounts of oil for maintenance. Pneumatic cylinders can serve as potential alternatives to overcome this drawback. However, it is difficult to control a pneumatic cylinder with high accuracy due to the compressibility of air. This study presents a new control method for high-speed and high-precision control of a pneumatic cylinder for a servo-pneumatic fatigue testing machine. Displacement and load controllers with proportional-proportional-integral feedback and feedforward algorithms are proposed. Furthermore, an auto-tuning algorithm of a feedforward controller gain is proposed to improve control performance. A servo-pneumatic fatigue testing machine is constructed, and the control performance is evaluated via displacement and load control experiments at the various conditions.
Adaptive control, Automatic gain tuning, Fatigue testing machine, Pneumatic servo systemAcknowledgments
이 연구는 충남대학교 학술연구비에 의해 지원되었음.
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Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2020, from Chungnam National University.He is currently a researcher at the Reliability Assessment Center of Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials. His research interest in intelligent manufacturing.
E-mail: chaegb@kimm.re.kr
Master course student in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam National University.His research interest is digital manufacturing.
E-mail: dale93@naver.com
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2006, from Sungkyunkwan University.He works for JKSYS Inc. His research interest in Mechanical Engineering.
E-mail: snape123@naver.com
Doctor course student in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam National University.He works for JKSYS Inc. His research interest in Mechanics and Mechatronics.
E-mail: hskim_6960@naver.com
University graduate of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2011, from Hanbat National University.He works for JKSYS Inc. His research interest in Mechatronics.
E-mail: hi_jaejae@naver.com
Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam National University.His research interest is manufacturing engineering.
E-mail: wklee@cnu.ac.kr