대면적 레이저 직접묘화 공정에서 비점수차 자동초점 기술 연구
We developed an astigmatic autofocus optics and a control unit which were implemented in a direct laser writing system for a large area patterning process. The autofocus module is comprised of a collimated laser, a quadrant photodiode, an astigmatic lens, and a few polarizing optics. This system has a 0.526 V/μm focus error signal resolution in the 50x objective lens and a surface tracking capability of under 1 mm/s XY translation stage speed. In this study, we conducted a patterning experiment using SU-8 photocurable resist on a silicon wafer to study the accuracy of the astigmatic autofocus system. We highlighted some features of this system for future improvement.
Autofocus, Astigmatism, Direct laser writing, 3D patterningAcknowledgments
이 논문은 산업통산자원부의 재원으로 한국산업기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 수행된 산업기술혁신사업입니다(N0002310).
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Senior Researcher in the Nano-Convergence Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials.His research interest is 3D structure fabrication in nano and micro scale using two-photon polymerization.
E-mail: geehong@kimm.re.kr
Senior Researcher in the Nano-Convergence Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials.His research interest is the design and control of piezo-driven mechanism for ultra-precision motion .
E-mail: kbchoi@kimm.re.kr