적층제조설계기법을 이용한 위성용 경량화 전개장치 구조물 개발
Additive manufacturing technology in metals allows for the design and fabrication of integrated satellite structures that reduce part counts and improve performance. This paper, proposes the application of the design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) process in the space environment. The small lightweight deployment mechanism structure was investigated for the strength and stiffness performance. The weight reduction was maximized through shape optimization by applying a topology optimization technique. In addition, a validation of the deployment mechanism structure design was confirmed under strength and vibration conditions through structural analysis. The mechanical properties of Ti64 Grade23 were compared and evaluated by the test of specimens and products manufactured using the power bed fusion (PBF) method.
Metal 3D printing, DfAM (Design for Additive Manufacturing), PBF (Powder Bed Fusion), Deployment structure, Topology optimizationAcknowledgments
본 연구는 ‘위성용 경량화 SAR 안테나 기술 개발’ 사업의 일환으로 방위사업청과 국방과학연구소의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.
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Chief research engineer at Mechanical Engineering R&D Lab, LIGNex1 Co., Ltd.His research interest is SAR Antenna and Space System.
E-mail: hwayoung.jung@lignex1.com
Chief research engineer at Mechanical Engineering R&D Lab, LIGNex1 Co., Ltd.His research interest is Fundamental Tech and Space System.
E-mail: jaeeun.lee@lignex1.com
Research engineer at Mechanical Engineering R&D Lab, LIGNex1 Co., Ltd.His research interest is Fundamental Tech and Space System.
E-mail: hyotae.kim@lignex1.com
Research engineer at Mechanical Engineering R&D Lab, LIGNex1 Co., Ltd.His research interest is Fundamental Tech and Space System.
E-mail: kimkiseung@lignex1.com