자동차 브레이크 미세입자 포집을 위한 소형 사이클론에 관한 연구
There has been an increasing interest in the collection of fine dust generated by vehicle brakes ever since the significant decrease in emissions from the exhaust system. Herein, we investigated the effective collection of brake fine dust by applying a mini-cyclone. Numerical analyses of steady and unsteady flows for a rotating disk were performed. When the disk rotation speed was 1000 rpm, the brake cooling air exited the cooling passage at approximately 20 m/s and air flow entered the cyclone inlet at approximately 7 m/s. At this inlet velocity, the vortex flow in the cyclone was well developed, thereby indicating the potential of efficient particle collection. Numerical analysis of transient particle flows for a mini-cyclone was performed to determine the particle collection efficiency. Results indicated that the particle collection efficiency exceeded 90% for particle diameters exceeding 3 μm. Therefore, the mini-cyclone can be effectively used for collecting brake fine dust.
Brake dust filter, Cyclone, Particle matter, Computational fluid dynamics, Discrete phase modelAcknowledgments
이 연구는 2019년도 산업통상자원부 및 산업기술평가관리원(KEIT) 연구비 지원에 의한 연구임(‘20003782’).
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Postdoctoral fellow in Sustainable Eco-friendly Energy Center, Kongju National University.His research interests are brake filters and linear compressors.
E-mail: hisjj@kongju.ac.kr
Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kongju National University.His research interests are brake filters and linear compressors.
E-mail: ylee@kongju.ac.kr