안전모 충격시험 장치 설계 및 충격 특성 변화 연구
Safety helmets absorb some of the impact of caused by heavy falling objects to protect the head. During safety helmet impact tests, the changes in the fall speed and impact load are measured and analyzed with different angles. As a result, the average fall speed and impact load reduction of the falling rail when the angle is between 90° and 88° is less than 1.0%. However, the fall speed and impact load reduction exceed 3.0% when the angle of the falling rail is 87.0°. The fall speed and impact load reductions due to the change in rail angle are nearly equal. In particular, when the falling angle deviates more than 3° from 90°, the fall speed and impact load significantly decrease. As this deviation increases, the fall speed and impact load decrease further due to friction on the rail.
Falling speed reduction rate, Impact load reduction rate, Reference angle, Friction, Impact testAcknowledgments
이 연구는 2020년도 정부(산업통상자원부)의 재원으로 한국산업기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(P0012769, 2020년 산업혁신인재성장지원사업).
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Graduate Student of the Graduate School of Engineering, Inha University.His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: yukwho@hanmail.net
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University.His research interest is Mechanical Engineering.
E-mail: chulhee@inha.ac.kr