두 개의 성형공구를 이용한 무금형 6축 양면점진성형기 개발
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) does not use a partial or full die at the bottom of the die; rather, a hemispherical forming tool presses the sheet layer by layer along the numerically controlled movement path to cause plastic deformation. The ISF is somewhat limited in manufacturing freeform surfaces because the die is installed at the bottom of the sheet material. To compensate for these shortcomings, a double side incremental forming (DSIF) method, which can form both sides of the sheet simultaneously, is required with two independently controlled tools. This machine is composed of a forming part and support part, Equipped with a motion controller capable of 6-axis control, the developed DSIF machine can freely and smoothly form surfaces. To verify its performance, prototype forming was performed, and the 3D contact measurement and shape data were superimposed to compare and analyze the forming accuracy and verify the usefulness of incremental forming.
Incremental sheet forming (ISF), Freeform surface, Incremental forming machine, Double side incremental forming (DSIF)Acknowledgments
이 연구결과물은 2018학년도 경남대학교 대학특성화연구비 지원에 의한 것임.
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- WIKAN, viewed 18 May 2021, User Manual-R01, <http://wikan.co.kr/front/php/b/board_list.php?board_no=7, >.
Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Kyungnam University.His research interest is manufacturing process.
E-mail: pstcsj@hanmail.net
Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungnam University.His research interest is CAD/CAM.
E-mail: jkkang@kyungnam.ac.kr
Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungnam University.His research interest is materials science and engineering.
E-mail: na48th@kyungnam.ac.kr