과도상태 밀링에서 시간영역 채터 시뮬레이션
Chatter between the end mill and thin aircraft components reduces tool life and surface quality. This paper presents a time-domain chatter analysis that simulates the peripheral milling of thin aluminum plates. Peak forces and tool deformations were predicted in the time domain by simulation software written in C++. The maximum forces at various cutting depths and spindle speeds were predicted, and the stability lobe diagram was drawn in the frequency domain. The software was validated in comparison with the results of Professor Y. C. Shin’s experiments and was used to analyze the relationship between chatter and runout, number of teeth, and feed rate in virtual space. The chatter in transient state was simulated to predict the side effect of feed rate control.
Chatter, Stability lobe diagram, Time domain, Duhamel’s integral, Transient stateAcknowledgments
이 연구는 2018년도 경상국립대학교 연구년제 연구교수 연구지원비에 의하여 수행되었음.
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Professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang National University.
His research interest is CAM and CNC Machining.
E-mail: sujinkim@gnu.ac.kr
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University.
His research interest is Laser assisted material processing.
E-mail: shin@purdue.edu