탄소강 선재 표면균열의 능동형 유도 적외선 열화상 검사
In this study, an active induction infrared thermography is developed and applied to detect surface-breaking cracks on steel wire rods, which are frequently made by the rolling process in the manufacturing factory, using the thermal response of surface cracks to an impulsive excitation of electromagnetic induction. Artificial cracks, 20 μm wide and 10 mm long along the axial direction with nine different depths ranging from 20 μm to 100 μm by increments of 10 μm, are machined by laser on two types of steel wire rods (ϕ5.5 mm and ϕ13 mm) to investigate the detection capability of the induction infrared thermography equipment. All artificial cracks are successfully detected from thermal images, and it is concluded that the active induction thermography is a fast and low-cost method to inspect the surface micro-cracks of steel wire rods that could not be detected and visualized by other nondestructive methods.
Steel wire rod, Surface crack, Active infrared thermography, Pulsed induction heatingAcknowledgments
본 논문은 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원(NRF-2021M2E6A1084689)과 2020년도 한국기술교육대학교 교육연구진흥과제 지원에 의하여 수행되었으며 이에 감사드립니다.
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Professor in the School of Mechatronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education.
His research interest is Nondestructive Evaluation and Elastic Wave Propagation.
E-mail: nykim@koreatech.ac.kr
Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education.
His research interest is Plasticity and Finite Element Analysis.
E-mail: ysy@koreatech.ac.kr