Finite Element Analysis and Fabrication of a 3 MHz Megasonic System for Semiconductor Cleaning
Megasonic cleaning has been used to clean contaminants from wafer surfaces in semiconductor production. This research developed a 3 MHz megasonic waveguide for cleaning processes in semiconductor industries. Firstly, a 1 MHz type was fabricated in aluminum (Al) and quartz, consisting of a lead zirconate titanate (PZT) actuator and a waveguide. A 3 MHz quartz waveguide was also fabricated based on the fabricated results, and its performance was tested. In the design process, finite element analysis was performed. As a result, the predicted value was 2.997 MHz, which agreed with the measured value of 2.995 MHz with a 0.1% error. Lastly, a particle removal efficiency (PRE) test was performed, and the results showed that 93.1% PRE was achieved at 8W power. Considering the acoustic pressure and the cleaning test results, the 3 MHz megasonic may help the removal of contaminants from wafer surfaces effectively.
Megasonic, Cleaning, Finite element method(FEM), Waveguide, Piezoelectric actuatorAcknowledgments
This research was supported by the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT), under the Korea government Ministry of Knowledge Economy and by a research project (NK237C) of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM).
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Principal researcher in the Innovative Energy Machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, and a Professor in University of Science & Technology. His research interest is ultrasonic cleaning, megasonic cleaning and ultrasonic machining.
E-mail: hkim@kimm.re.kr
Principal technician in the Innovative Energy Machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. His research interest is ultrasonic and megasonic cleaning.
E-mail: eslim@kimm.re.kr
Principal researcher in the Innovative Energy Machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. His research interest is ultrasonic and megasonic cleaning.
E-mail: yllee@kimm.re.kr