열영향을 받는 하이브리드 원통형 적층복합재의 최적화
In this study, a hybrid laminated composite comprising carbon/epoxy (C/E) and glass/epoxy(Gl/E) laminates was optimized. The optimal lamination angle must be calculated in the design of a cylindrical laminated composite that is subjected to both bending and torsion under a thermal stress environment. Generally, the composite material does not simply cause fracture owing to a stress component but exhibits fracture behavior according to the fracture theory owing to the combination of various stress components. The lamination angles of the hybrid cylindrical laminated composite were optimized using the four failure theories of Tsai-Wu, Tsai-Hill, Hoffman, and Hasin as the design criteria. The effect of thermal stress on the lamination angle was confirmed by comparatively examining the optimization results of the case where thermal stress was applied and the case where thermal stress did not act.
Composite, Orthotropic material, FEM(finite element method), FEA(finite element analysis), OptimizationAcknowledgments
이 논문은 안동대학교 기본연구지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.
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Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University. His research interest is computer aided engineering, finite element method, composite materials and design optimization
E-mail: hkcho@anu.ac.kr