진동을 고려한 보빈 홀더의 전산모사 모델의 개발
The goal of this study is to develop an FE model for bobbin holders which wind the fiber. It comprised 25 components. Under mechanical assumption, it was simplified and approximated to 8 components. The equivalent stiffness of three types of bearings in a bobbin holder were obtained using compression tests. The main natural frequency of a precision model without a chuck was 17.82 Hz in mode 1 and 102.95 Hz in mode 3. The results of simulation and experimental analysis by modal testing were very similar within 2%. To obtain a more precise FE model, optimization for equivalent stiffness of the 6011 bearing was applied to modal analysis in the ANSYS. Finally, an FE model of a bobbin holder considering vibrations was developed.
Modal analysis, Bobbin holder, FE model, Vibration, OptimizationAcknowledgments
이 연구는 2022년도 정부(산업통상자원부)의 재원으로 한국산업기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구입니다(P0012744, 2022년 산업혁신인재성장지원사업).
본 연구는 ㈜일진의 지원받아 진행된 연구입니다.
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M.Sc. candidate in Department of Mechanical Design and Robot Engineering, Seoul Tech. His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: 20510044@seoultech.ac.kr
Doctorial Graduate Student in Department of Mechanical Design and Robot Engineering, Seoul Tech. Her research interests are Machine Dynamics and Precision machining.
E-mail: jwkangims@gmail.com
Professor in Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul Tech. His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: rhett@seoultech.ac.kr