6자유도 오픈소스 로봇팔의 기구학 해석 및 시뮬레이터 개발
With the advancement of three-dimensional printing technologies and the disclosure of the technology under open source, an environment has been created where individuals can easily handle cutting-edge technology handled by expert groups. However, it is still difficult to use the available information without background knowledge of engineering technology. A robot model that can be used for educational and personal projects was selected among the open-source robot arms to assist users in utilizing the benefits of this technological trend. The kinematic analysis, trajectory generation, and position error analysis of the robot arm were performed, and a robot simulator that simulates and operates the robot via communication was developed. Tests including multiple-degree-of-freedom motions demonstrated the feasibility of the developed robot simulator and open-source robot arm for advanced applications.
Kinematic analysis, Trajectory generation, Robot simulator, Open-source robotAcknowledgments
이 논문은 안동대학교 기본연구지원사업에 의해 연구되었음.
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Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Robotics Engineering, Andong National University. His research interest is the design and control of mechatronics systems.
E-mail: shlee@andong.ac.kr