중대형 선박 엔진용 냉각수 펌프 개발
The cooling pump for medium and large marine engines is a centrifugal pump, which circulates the coolant to cool the engine, lubricating oil and fresh water . As the built-in engine cooling water pump uses a large amount of power compared to other auxiliary equipment driven by the engine power of a ship, proper design of components, such as the impeller, is required to improve the pump efficiency to 60% or more, and without appearance of cavitation. In this study, the impeller, volute casing, and housing that correspond to various engine specifications of marine engine manufacturers, were used. The pump installed marine engines with a total efficiency of 60% or more were designed with CFturbo S/W. Performance tests of prototypes were conducted and the results were compared and reviewed. Ultimately, high efficiency and cavitation avoidance design technology of cooling water pump were acquired.
Cooling water pump, Centrifugal pump, High efficiency, Impeller design, Pump performance testAcknowledgments
이 연구는 중소벤처기업부에서 시행한 산학연 협력 기술개발사업(도약기술개발사업) 기술개발 결과보고서의 일부임을 밟힙니다.
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Senior researcher in Institute of Yulim industrial Co., LTD. His research interest is the design and manufacturing of cooling water pump in marine engines.
E-mail: ong51@hanmail.net
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungil University. His research interest is pump design, fluid power systems design and control.
E-mail: dtkim@kiu.ac.kr
Senior manager in Institute of Yulim industrial Co., LTD. His research interest is the oil and cooling pump design in marine engines.
E-mail: sdkim@yurimcorp.com
Director in Institute of Yulim industrial Co., LTD. His research interest is the design and manufacturing of cooling water pump in marine engines.
E-mail: jhhong0810@yurimcorp.com