반응표면법을 이용한 상용 수소 전기 대형 트럭 배터리 캐리어 경량화 모델 설계의 제안
This study optimized the shape of the battery carrier to reduce weight in response to the increasing battery capacity required for commercial hydrogen electric heavy trucks. The Response Surface Method (RSM) was utilized to optimize the frame design while maintaining the same stress level as the conventional frame model. An optimal design was realized by substitute the material of battery frame from steel to aluminum and in addition reinforcing it with glass fiber sheet molding compounds (GF-SMC). Four design variables were identified to adjust the frame thickness to reduce the frame weight. The objective function was set as minimizing the weight of the battery carrier while maintaining stress levels equivalent to the conventional frame model using steel. The predicting accuracy from RSM shows a good result as 98%. Consequently, the proposed model achieved a weight reduction of 29.7% compared to the conventional model at the same stress level.
Design variable, Equivalent stress, Finite element analysis, Battery carrier, Weight reductionAcknowledgments
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Master’s Program in the Department of Future Convergence Engineering at Kongju National University. His interest is FEA.
E-mail: krsoonjae@naver.com
Undergraduate program of the Future Automobile Engineering Department at Kongju National University. His interest is Optimizing, FEA.
E-mail: mslab13@naver.com
CEO in the Wonhyo Co.. His interest is Machine.
E-mail: bagussurfer@leikokorea.co.kr
Senior Researcher in the Wonhyo Co.. His interest is Machine.
E-mail: rmkyoo@leikokorea.co.kr
Director of Research Institute in the Gonggam Gonghak Co. Ltd.. His interest is Machine, FEA.
E-mail: young@swstech.co.kr
Professor of Future Automobile Engineering Department at Kongju National University, Institute of Green Car Technology. His interest is Metal Sheet Forming and Forging, FEA, Optimizing.
E-mail: smhong@kongju.ac.kr