게이트 위치선정이 휴대용 구강용품 사출성형에 미치는 영향
Products produced via injection molding, even if they have the same shape, can exhibit problems such as deformation and flow imbalance depending on the mold structure, which is determined by factors such as the gate location. In addition to problems with the product, there may be cases where the current mold design cannot be manufactured with the equipment the company has, and injection molding simulation is widely used to predict and prevent this.
In this study, to identify a suitable mold structure by analyzing the effect of the gate location of portable oral products produced via injection molding, a mold structure is adopted based on quantitative data obtained via injection-molding analysis. The results confirm that injection-molding analysis facilitates quality improvement.
Computer aided engineering, Injection mold, Root industry, WarpageAcknowledgments
본 논문은 대전테크노파크에서 지원하는 [2024 뿌리산업 활성화 지원사업]의 일환으로 수행되었습니다.
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He is currently working as the Head of Research and Development at Daegyu Precision. His research interest is PDM, CAD/CAM, and Injection Mold.
E-mail: scv3323@naver.com
He is working as Researcher at the Hanbat National University’s innovation Center for Smart optics. His research interest in Ultra-precision Processing.
E-mail: kimdh91@hanbat.ac.kr
Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam National University. His research interest is Intelligent Measurement.
E-mail: hongjh@cnu.ac.kr