전자제품 Cu 방열 모듈 배관 접합을 위한 멀티 코어 레이저 용접 공정 연구
As electronic components demand higher performance and greater density, the need for enhanced heat dissipation characteristics has increased. Currently, heat dissipation modules rely on soldered copper piping; however, the use of filler materials reduces both thermal efficiency and mechanical properties. This study investigates the process conditions for multi-core laser welding, aiming to reduce production costs and process times while maintaining energy efficiency. Through experimental analysis, the applicability of the process was evaluated by comparing the microstructure and mechanical properties of soldered joint pipes with those of laser-welded joint pipes used in actual electronic products. The heat dissipation pipes joined by laser welding exhibited approximately three times greater mechanical strength than their soldered counterparts, and it is anticipated that the shortened process will further reduce both costs and production time.
Laser welding, Multi core laser, Heat dissipation module, Microstructure analysis, Peel strengthAcknowledgments
본 연구는 2024년도 중소벤처기업부의 기술개발사업(00270517) 연구비 지원에 의한 연구결과로 수행되었습니다.
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Graduate Student in Department of New Materials Engineering, Ajou University. Researcher, Advanced Institute of Technology.His research interest is Laser Welding and Materials Microstructure Analysis.
E-mail: cksdid9927@iae.re.kr
Senior Researcher, Advanced Institute of Technology.His research interest is Alloy Design and New Material Development.
E-mail: mc0715hj@iae.re.kr
Director of Samwon Copper Tube Manufacturing. Graduate Student in Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Gyeongsang National University.His research interest is Manufacturing of Pipe.
E-mail: ihko@swcopper.co.kr
Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ajou University.His research focuses on the Metallic Materials and Composites Specifically including High Entropy Alloys, Nanostructured Alloys, Advanced Powder Metallurgy Processes, Experimental Mechanics, and Metal Additive Manufacturing.
E-mail: byungmin@ajou.ac.kr