한국생산제조학회 학술지 영문 홈페이지
[ Special Issue : Application of Sensor Technology in Polymer Processing ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 33, No. 5, pp.262-267
ISSN: 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Oct 2024
Received 08 Sep 2024 Revised 27 Sep 2024 Accepted 02 Oct 2024

현장 중합을 통한 열가소성 수지(PLCL(Poly L–Lactide co ε–Caprolactone)) 기반 Macro Fiber Composite Sensor 제작

김선주a ; 이시맥b ; 권태준b ; 강병수c ; 박재현c, * ; 유형민a, *
Fabrication of Thermoplastic Resin (PLCL (Poly L-Lactide co ε-Caprolactone)) Based Macro Fiber Composite Sensors Through In-Situ Polymerization
Seon-Ju Kima ; Simaek Leeb ; Taejoon Kwonb ; Byungsoo Kangc ; Jaehyun Parkc, * ; Hyeongmin Yooa, *
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University of Education and Technology (KOREATECH)
bDevelopment Team, Rina Solution Corporation
cIndustrial Transformation Technology Department, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)

Correspondence to: a,*Tel.: +82-41-560-1255 E-mail address: (Hyeongmin Yoo). Correspondence to: c,*Tel.: +82-41-589-8286 E-mail address: (Jaehyun Park). * These authors contributed equally to this work.


In this study, a vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding system was designed to enhance the conventional fabrication process of m acro-fiber composites (MFC) by replacing non-recyclable epoxy with the biodegradable and eco-friendly thermoplastic resin, Poly L-Lactide co ε-Caprolactone (PLCL). The polymerized PLCL was analyzed for thermal properties using differential scanning calorimetry; the results indicated a crystallinity of 7.51%. The morphology of the polymer-impregnated macro-fibers was examined through scanning electron microscopy, confirming uniform fiber impregnation without the presence of voids. To assess sensor performance, a 5 V voltage was applied through a signal generator, and an oscilloscope was used for measurement. The sensitivity of the half-cut PZT MFC was observed to be greater compared to that of the thru-cut PZT MFC. Additionally, vibration tests verified that the fabricated MFC effectively functioned as a sensor.


MFC(Macro Fiber Composite), In-Situ polymerization, PLCL(Poly L-Lactide co ε-Caprolactone), VA–RTM(Vacuum Assistant–Resin Transfer Molding)


본 연구는 천안과학산업진흥원의 지원(2023년도 실현기술개발사업, 유연 음향방출 센서를 활용한 가스 누출 스마트 감지 기술사업화)과 2024년도 교육부의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 지자체-대학 협력기반 지역혁신 사업(2021RIS-004)의 결과물입니다.


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Seon-Ju Kim

Master Course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH).Her research interest is the Development of Eco-Friendly Liquid Composite Processes.


Simaek Lee

Director in the Development Team, Rina Solution Corporation.His research interest is Piezoelectric Fiber Composite.


Taejoon Kwon

Researcher in the Development Team, Rina Solution Corporation.His research interest is Signal Processing and Data Science.


Byungsoo Kang

Technician at Industrial Transformation Technology Department, Korea institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).His research interest is CFRP Manufacturing.


Jaehyun Park

Senior Researcher at Industrial Transformation Technology Department, Korea institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).His research interests include Precision Engineering, Piezo-flexure Stage and Semiconductor Equipment.


Hyeongmin Yoo

Associate Professor at Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH). His research interests include PolymerProcessing, Composites Manufacturing and Functional Composite Sensors.
