단순직선 모서리형 툴의 수평 이송 기판 상 고주기 진동압입 기반 연속적 나노패턴 생산 시스템 개발
We developed a continuous nanopattern manufacturing system that realizes a high-frequency vibrational indentation of a simple flat-edge rigid tool onto a horizontal-feeding polymer substrate with computer-based control. We first designed a process principle and its implementation modules, and subsequently constructed a system prototype. By controlling the tool vibration frequency and indenting force as well as the substrate feeding speed and stroke direction, we can create diverse nanopatterns with various periods and shapes including period-tunable nanogratings and multidimensional nanostructures. Such manufactured nanopatterns may be utilized in many potential applications involving precision machinery components, displays and light sources, sensors and actuators, and flexible electronics and photonics, all of which require tunable periods and shapes.
Vibrational indentation, Nanopatterning, Continuous process, Precision process systemAcknowledgments
이 논문은 서울과학기술대학교 교내연구비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.
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