비전을 이용한 자동 수술 보조 로봇 팔의 설계
We designed and fabricated an automatic surgical assistant robot arm. The robot arm assists in operations such as an endonasal skull base surgery and an epiduroscopic intervention. The coordinates of the marking point are read using a camera and the rotational angles of each motor are analyzed through inverse kinematics. Finally, a needle tube is inserted into the marking point with the device. The stress distribution of the robot arm was studied using the ANSYS and the coordinate data of the marking point from the vision were processed using C#. The motors by the Dynamixel were used because of their higher torque and accuracy. Additionally, Arduino was applied to the data processing. In the near future, this robot may become an efficient operation assistant.
Operation, Robot arm, Lesion, Inverse kinematics, ANSYS, VisionAcknowledgments
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