마그네틱 기어를 이용한 2단 감속 장치

Magnetic gears exhibit torque transfer densities that are comparable to those of helical gears because all the permanent magnets arranged along the circumferential direction contribute to power transmission. However, the reduction ratio that can be realized with a single magnetic gear is not theoretically limited; however, this parameter is not effective in a single gear owing to the decrease in the magnetic strength of the permanent magnet depending on its volume. High reduction ratio can be realized by connecting multiple magnetic gears in series. This study examines the power transfer characteristics of a double reduction gear unit with two magnetic gears having a reduction ratio of 1/3.25. The theoretical modeling, frequency response characteristics, and control test results of this system implemented using hardware are described in detail.
Double reduction gear, Frequency response function, Harmonic analysis, High reduction ratio, IP control, Magnetic gearAcknowledgments
본 연구는 중소벤처기업부의 중소기업융복합기술개발사업[S2449707, 마그네틱기어 일체형 0.75 kW급 지능형 휠 구동시스템 개발]과 정부(교육부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 기초연구사업[NRF-2016R1D1A1B03930283]의 지원에 의한 연구임.
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