AISI 4140 시편의 미세단조 공정 충격력 및 표면 변형량 측정
The micro-forging process improves the surface quality of the workpiece by micro tip impacting. In this study, the impact force is generated using a terfenol-D oscillator (ETREMA Product. lnc.), and it is measured when the actual impact is in action. The experimental results show that the amplitude of the force in the no-load state is approximately 325.6 N, and the impact force is 116.6 N and 118.6 N when the static load is changed. As the output of the oscillator was changed by energy loss and structural damping, the impact force was found to be as 29.1 N and 36.4 N, respectively. The impact test was performed on the AISI 4140 specimen under these conditions, and the deformation of the surface was measured and compared. Hence, the impact force measurement results obtained in this study can be used as an important parameter for the optimization of micro-forging process.
Micro-forging, Impact force, AISI 4140, DeformationAcknowledgments
이 논문은 2015년도 정부(미래창조과학부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 기초연구사업임(NRF-2015R1C1A1A02036547).
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