[ Technical Papers ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.132-138
ISSN: 2508-5107
Print publication date 15 Apr 2019
Received 26 Nov 2018
Revised 14 Jan 2019
Accepted 25 Jan 2019
광픽업 유닛 기반 원자현미경의 Dynamic 모드 측정용 Lock-in Amplifier
Lock-in Amplifier for Dynamic Imaging of OPU Based Atomic Force Microscopy
Correspondence to: *Tel.: +82-54-820-5908 Fax: +82-54-820-7913 E-mail address: shlee@andong.ac.kr (Sang Heon Lee).
In this paper, we introduce a lock-in amplifier for the dynamic mode operation of atomic force microscopy, based on the optical pickup unit of a DVD. We fabricated a lock-in amplifier, which is fundamentally based on the principle of the dual phase mode, and included an additional enhancement structure to ensure high bandwidth, so that it is capable of supporting high-speed scanning probe microcopy in the future. We performed a basic experiment for performance evaluation and dynamic mode imaging of a standard sample by applying the fabricated lock-in amplifier module to a pre-developed optical pickup unit based atomic force microscopy.
Lock-in amplifier, Displacement sensor, Atomic force microscopy, Scanning probe microscopy, Dynamic imaging modeAcknowledgments
이 논문은 2016년도 안동대학교 연구비에 의해 연구되었음.
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