30 W급 COB LED의 열전소자 이용 강제방열
This study focuses on the development and production of 120 W LED street-lamps using four 30 W chip on board (COB) LED modules. The lamps’ heat dissipation efficiency was improved by packaging 30 W COB LEDs and thermoelectric modules. This study was also conducted to reduce the thermoelectric element driving power consumption and minimize the thermoelectric element driving power, resulting from forced heat dissipation.
Results indicated that the minimum metal temperature of the metal core printed circuit board (MCPCB) reached 68.1℃ when the thermoelectric power consumption was 0.7 W; a temperature drop effect of approximately 16.1% occurred. The life extension effect is expected to be approximately 48.5% according to the lifespan arithmetic.
Thus, this technology can be applied to reduce the temperature and extend the life of COB LED modules; small-sized and lightweight luminaries can be realized by addressing the thermal problem of LED modules.
COB LED module, Multi-chip, Forced heat dissipation, Thermoelectric module (TEM), Heat sinkReferences
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