스스로 일어나는 세그웨이 형태의 밸런싱 로봇의 설계 및 제작
StuntBike is a robot that can stand up on its own using only the torque of the motor. Unlike previous works, StuntBike has the form of a tricycle with unstable characteristics on the pitch axis to achieve standing-up actions with a small torque. As a control scheme, we utilize a 3-stage cascade proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller which outperforms a conventional 1-stage PID controller in terms of control performance. Based on the proposed design, we demonstrated the feasibility of standing-up action and attitude control from the simulation. Next, we present the control result from experiments, which suggests that stand-up action and attitude control is possible. Furthermore, we discuss some factors that impact the performances of the system and an overview of supplementary work.
Inverted pendulum, Cascade control, PID control, Time delay, Nonlinear effectAcknowledgments
본 연구는 서울과학기술대학교 교내 일반과제 연구비 지원으로 수행되었습니다.
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B.Sc candidate in the Department of Mechanical system design, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine / Control.
E-mail: rlgus1394@gmail.com
B.Sc candidate in the Department of Mechanical system design, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: kjwh004@gmail.com
B.Sc candidate in the Department of Mechanical system design, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: jck1461@naver.com
Professor in the Department of Mechanical system design, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine / Control.
E-mail: chyim@seoultech.ac.kr