알까기 로봇(R-bot)의 설계
Stone flicking is a game played on the baduk board. In this study, a stone flicking machine called R-robot is developed, which is an intelligent robotic system that can compete against a human player. The robot photographs the stadium and processes the images to find the best route for efficient competition. The targeting stone is identified using a camera and a path-searching algorithm selects the stone-flicking position. Based on inverse kinematics, the rotation angle of the motor is controlled to move the robot according to the given coordinates. A linear actuator adjusts the height of the flicking part, while a solenoid controls the power. ANSYS simulates the stress distribution of the robotic arm. The flicking direction is selected using C# and OPENCV. The Dynamixel RC servo motor controls the main joints of the robot. Arduino is applied for data processing and actuator control. Finally, the R-bot is manufactured.
Stone flicking, Robot arm, Dynamixel, Inverse kinematics, ANSYS, VisionAcknowledgments
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B.Sc. candidate in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: surri0709@naver.com
B.Sc. candidate in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: iamjun9@naver.con
B.Sc. candidate in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: anyone828@gmail.com
B.Sc. candidate in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: snut070420@naver.com
B.Sc. candidate in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: judahwon@naver.com
Professor in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Machine Dynamics.
E-mail: rhett@seoultech.ac.kr