틸팅 패드 베어링의 트라이볼로지 특성 평가를 위한 유막두께 측정 방법 연구
In studies on lubrication analyses, researchers have investigated mixed lubrication as well as hydrodynamic lubrication. One of these published studies concerns lubrication analysis by considering not only the surface roughness but also the slope parameter of the friction surface; in the study, the relative slope of the pad bearing surface was confirmed to influence the friction characteristics. However, verification of whether the lubrication analysis values are comparable to those of the friction tests is yet to be conducted. In this study, to experimentally verify the results of this previous lubrication analysis, we developed an experimental device to derive the slope parameter and analyzed the results. The film thickness was calculated by analyzing the slope parameter obtained from the friction tests and was then used as the input value for lubrication analysis.
Lubrication analysis, Friction test, Film thickness, Slope parameter, Mixed lubricationAcknowledgments
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Senior Researcher in the Precision Mechanical Process and Control R&D Group, Dongnam Division, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology.His/Her research interest is Machining process.
E-mail: mrkim@kitech.re.kr
Professor in the Department of Nano Energy Engineering, Pusan National University.His/Her research interest is Tribology.
E-mail: dwoolee@pusan.ac.kr
Senior Researcher in the Industrial Liaison innovation center, Pusan National University.His research interest is Development of ultrasonic system.
E-mail: lastgaia@pusan.ac.kr
Ph.D. student in the Department of Nano Fusion Technology, Pusan National University.His/Her research interest is Application of artificial intelligence.
E-mail: nurfadilah249@gmail.com
Assistant professor in the Subdivision of Mechanical engineering, Kyungnam college of Information&Technology.His research interest is Machining process.
E-mail: jungjh@eagle.kit.ac.kr