자동차 시동용 LFP 배터리 팩의 혹한기 시동성 향상을 위한 열선 시스템 적용에 따른 열 유동 해석
A numerical simulation for evaluating thermal performance was performed to determine the possibility of replacing existing lead-acid 12 V batteries with lithium-ion batteries. In batteries used for starting vehicles, low-temperature (≤–20℃) starting performance and lifespan decrease significantly. Therefore, a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery system with a relatively high energy density at low temperatures was studied. A system for self-energy heating was designed to improve operability under cold-weather conditions. In particular, the battery pack case, battery cell array, and heating system of the proposed system were designed to be compatible. Furthermore, a thermal performance simulation was performed using computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer techniques based on the estimated thermal properties of each component. The results showed that the self-heating LFP battery pack system reached its startable temperature (–3℃) after 75 s when 249 W of power was applied in a low-temperature (–20℃) environment.
LFP battery pack, 12 V starter battery, Thermal flow analysis, Self-heating system, Low-temperature startabilityAcknowledgments
“이 논문은 2019년도 광역협력권산업육성사업(주관기업: (주)벡셀, 과제번호: P0008663) 연구비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.”
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Researcher in the Department of Materials Performance Evaluation, Gyeongbuk Hybrid Technology Institute.His research interest is secondary battery.
E-mail: wyh@ghi.re.kr
Assistant professor in the Department of Automotive Engineering, Yeungnam University.His research interest is secondary battery.
E-mail: swkang@yu.ac.kr
Researcher in the Department of Material Design Technology Research, Gyeongbuk Hybrid Technology Institute.His research interest is secondary battery.
E-mail: jslee@ghi.re.kr
Researcher in the Department of Material Design Technology Research, Gyeongbuk Hybrid Technology Institute.His research interest is secondary battery.
E-mail: pms8259@ghi.re.kr
Team Leader in the Technology Research Institute, Bexel.His research interest is LFP battery cell manufacturing.
E-mail: ksj84@bexel.co.kr
Research Institute Director in the Technology Research Institute, CORN.His research interest is LFP battery pack manufacturing.
E-mail: dgsung.corn@gmail.com