GA 기법을 이용한 쇼트 블라스트 공정 최적화에 대한 연구
A large amount of foreign matter on the surface of shipbuilding equipment leads to insufficient paint adsorption and extremely low film formation rates, causing various problems. Therefore, sufficient degreasing to remove foreign substances is important, and studies on various surface treatment technologies to form coating films with excellent adsorption is necessary. Therefore, in this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) technique was used to optimize the shot blast process parameters. The life of mechanical parts can be extended by increasing the adhesion of the coating film for aquaculture and increasing the elasticity and abrasion resistance of the parts. To this end, the surface roughness was examined via shot blasting experiments with various materials (SS400, S45C, and SUS304), and a mathematical model was developed. GA optimization techniques Perform an experiment to select the optimal process variable using.
Shot blast, GA method, Mathematical model, Marine equipment, Shot ball, OptimizationReferences
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The Master degree in Mechanical Engineering at Mokpo National University. He is currently pursuing Doctor degree.His area of research interest is automatic welding control. He is currently studying on prediction model.
E-mail: wboh@mokpo.ac.kr
The Master degree in Mechanical Engineering at Mokpo National University. He is currently pursuing Doctor degree.His area of research interest is automatic welding control. He is currently studying on optimization of cutting.
E-mail: tjyun@mokpo.ac.kr
The Master degree in Mechanical Engineering at Mokpo National University. She is currently pursuing Doctor degree.She is currently studying on numerical studies on mechanical characteristics for plasma cutting .
E-mail: boramess@mokpo.ac.kr
He is currently pursuing his Master degree in Mechanical Engineering at Mokpo National University.His area of research interest is automatic control.
E-mail: enffl201@mokpo.ac.kr
Doctor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mokpo National University.His research interest is automation facilities and artificial intelligence.
E-mail: jsson@rims.re.kr
Doctor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mokpo National University.His research interest is welding simulation.
E-mail: mhpark@rims.re.kr
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mokpo National University. Dr. Kim worked as a researcher in industry and universities for over 20 years at University of Wollongong, Seoul National University, Mokpo National University.His area of research interest is automatic control.
E-mail: ilsookim@mokpo.ac.kr