폴리이미드 절연체 구조의 EM급 패치 히터에 대한 열전달 특성 해석
In this study, the heat transfer for an engineering-model-class patch heater was analyzed by numerical simulations and temperature measurements. The patch heater had a polyimide insulation structure for active thermal control. The accuracy of the numerical model was proved by the experimental data. The patch heater maintained a steady temperature in excess of 200℃ when the resistive area ratio was lower than 50%; further, the maximum power density level was 0.54 W/cm2, in compliance with the standard suggested by the European Space Components Corporation. When the patch heater is appropriately attached to an electric box, the temperature of the subsystem inside an artificial satellite can be adequately controlled within the required temperature range.
Patch heater, Heat transfer, Polyimide insulator, Electric thermal element, Artificial satelliteAcknowledgments
이 연구는 2020년 우주개발기반조성 및 성과확산산업 일환으로 한국연구재단의 연구비 지원(NRF-2020M1A3B2A01082442)에 의해 수행되었습니다.
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Research Professor in NDT Research Center, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Tribology.
E-mail: joonk61@seoultech.ac.kr
Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.His research interest is Flow Visualization.
E-mail: jysung@seoultech.ac.kr
Principal researcher in PARU Printed electronics corporation.His research interest is Printed Electronics.
E-mail: lgy@parupe.com
Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Aerospace system engineering, Korea Aerospace University.Satellite Product Assurance and System engineer
E-mail: mgkim@thespacek.com
Principal researcher in Korea Aerospace Research Institute.His research interest is Space EEE(Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical) parts.
E-mail: yjcho@kari.re.kr