IE4-class 2.2-kW Induction Motor Design and Performance Evaluation
In this study, a 2.2 kW super-premium (IE4) class 4-pole three-phase induction motor was designed and developed. We compared this prototype motor with the industrial induction motors sold by leading international companies. We designed and fabricated a stator, an Al rotor, housing, bearing front and rear covers made of Al 6061, a shaft, and a cooling fan. The cooling fan produced with 3D printing technology was assembled on the unload shaft. Following motor assembly, its mechanical performance, such as noise, vibration, wind speed, and efficiency, was analyzed. Compared with the considered international-standard motors, our proposed motor showed superior performance in terms of noise, vibration, and efficiency but not in terms of air gap and wind speed.
Induction motor, Vibration, Noise, Cu rotor, Al rotorAcknowledgments
This work was supported by ‘Energy Efficiency and Resources Core Technology Program’ of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) granted financial resource from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Republic of Korea (No. 20192010106780).
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Junior researcher in the Automotive Material & Components R&D Group of Seonam Division, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. His research interest is ultra-precision grinding machining and hot press molding techniques.
E-mail: mjko@kitech.re.kr
Principal researcher in the Automotive Material & Components R&D Group of Seonam Division, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. His research interest is design and analysis of electro-magnetic energy conversion machines and high efficiency electric motors.
E-mail: shlee07@kitech.re.kr
Principal researcher in the Automotive Material & Components R&D Group of Seonam Division, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. His research interest is ultra-precision machining, ultra-precision measurement and hot press molding techniques.
E-mail: pss4633@kitech.re.kr