한국생산제조학회 학술지 영문 홈페이지
[ Papers ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 30, No. 5, pp.372-381
ISSN: 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Oct 2021
Received 14 Jul 2021 Revised 31 Aug 2021 Accepted 29 Sep 2021

겹친 부품의 픽업 작업 문제를 해결하기 위한 신경망 기반 물체 인식과 RANSAC 기반 3차원 자세 추정

심규호a ; 이귀형a, *
Neural-network-based Object Recognition and RANSAC-based Three-dimensional Posture Estimation for Solving the Pickup Problem of Occluded Parts
Kyuho Sima ; Guihyung Leea, *
aDepartment of Mechanical Design Robot Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology

Correspondence to: *Tel.: +82-2-970-6325 E-mail address: (Guihyung Lee).


For a manipulator to accurately pick up parts to be assembled, the position and pose of the parts must be accurately recognized. To work in a complex work environment (e.g., a smart factory), it is necessary to estimate the six degrees of freedom given by x, y, z, yaw, pitch, and roll of the parts in three dimensions. The RealSense depth camera can easily obtain three-dimensional (3D) information from a single image through an RGB-D image. In this study, we first applied an artificial neural network (YOLACT) to classify objects and the background. Then, we estimated the 3D pose of each object using the RANSAC-based template-matching method on the 3D point cloud. By calculating the roll, pitch, and yaw values, we can obtain the gripper angle for picking up the object.


Object detection, Occlusion, Artificial neural network, Instance segmentation, Point cloud, RANSAC


이 연구는 서울과학기술대학교 교내학술연구비 지원으로 수행되었습니다.


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Kyuho Sim

Master course in the Department of Mechanical Design Robot Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. His research interest is Computer Vision, Deeplearning.


Guihyung Lee

Professor in the Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. His research interest is Control, Intelligent robotics.
