원형 디스크 방식 기어변속 시스템 개발에 관한 연구
This study proposes a new design of a gear shift system in bicycles. This new design solves issues of the conventional system having many inconveniences. In the proposed system, we replace the chain connecting two wheels of bicycles by introducing a circular disc-type gear shift system. In order to transfer the force to shift gears appropriately, a complicated pinion was designed. Computer analysis using Abaqus was conducted to predict the stability and durability of the proposed system. The results were reviewed with those of the actual tests performed under specially designed test jigs. We show that this chainless gear shift system developed in the study is usable in regular bicycles. Especially, we note that the proposed system effectively solves the existing problems in bicycles.
Bike, Simulation, Chainless, Circular disc, DurabilityReferences
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M.S. Student in the Department of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Kangwon National University. His research interest is Machine work.
E-mail: wooier@kangwon.ac.kr
Ph.D. Student in the Department of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Kangwon National University. His research interest is Computational Simulation.
E-mail: lgh0321@kangwon.ac.kr
Professor in the Department of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Kangwon National University. His research interest is the analysis of mechanical system.
E-mail: jirehk@kangwon.ac.kr