농기계용 부변속 구동축 기어의 강도향상을 위한 축방향 온간 및 열간 단조
Sub-shift drive shafts are manufactured through cutting processes for transmission in agricultural machinery. Hence, their durability is low owing to metal flow-line breakage, and such damages frequently occur from impacts, such as high-intensity work and load fluctuations. Molding analyses and forging were performed based on axial warm and hot forging, and the effectiveness was confirmed by performing forging tests in the sub-shift drive shafts. Solid bars of ø45 (ø74) mm × 303 mm were forged with a press load of 78 tons by heating a part of the ø45 mm × 348 mm SCM420 bar to 1000°C. Moreover , the metal flow line was continuously formed in the gear-processing part. The durability of the continuous metal flow line in the gear processing part improved slightly, and the cutting work was minimized. Therefore, a material weight of 58% can be reduced compared to that of conventional cutting work.
Agricultural transmission, Sub-shift drive shaft, Axial forging process, Metal flow line, Strength improvementReferences
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An associate professor at the Dept. of Basic Science, College of Engineering, Jeonju University. He is interested in mechanical design, FEM analysis and nondestructive testing and evaluation of infrared thermography.
E-mail: choyt@jj.ac.kr
A full professor in Dept. of Automotive Engineering at Woosuk University. He is interested in T-ray/UT nondestructive testing and analysis of composite materials.
E-mail: khim@woosuk.ac.kr