하이브리드 가공기의 FSW를 위한 어드미턴스 힘 제어에 관한 연구
This paper presents force control along the z-axis during friction stir welding (FSW) using a hybrid machine (F1300, Hwacheon Machinery). An admittance force controller is applied to control the position compensation of the tool for force change. During FSW with P-control, the values of the coefficients m, c, and k satisfying the position output of the tool for unit force input are selected as the coefficients for the controller. In the frequency domain analysis of the open loop transfer function, the coefficients are optimized to suppress, low pass, or cut-off of noise of the vibration data. Verification experiments revealed that the sensitivity of the axial force was up to 32.5 kgf, the tool position compensation value in the axial direction was stably controlled within 0.1 mm, and the internal voids of the material could be further reduced.
FSW(friction stir welding), Admittance control, z-axis direction force control, Coefficients optimization, Hybrid machine(FSW and milling)Acknowledgments
이 연구는 2022년도 산업통상자원부가 지원한 ‘기계장비산업기술개발사업’으로 지원을 받아 수행된 연구결과입니다. [과제명: 마찰교반용접/머시닝 하이브리드 가공시스템 개발 / 과제고유번호: 20018458]
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Chief Researcher in Smart Mobility R&D Devision of KIRO. His research interest is Robotics.
E-mail: igpark@kiro.re.kr
Research Engineer in Machining Technology Center Institute of R&D of Hwacheon Machine Tool Co., Ltd.. His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: kbj@hwacheon.com
Chief Researcher in Smart Mobility R&D Division of KIRO. His main research topics include Deep Machine Learning and Software Engineering.
E-mail: ricow@kiro.re.kr
Senior Researcher in Smart Mobility R&D Devision of KIRO. His research interest is Robotics.
E-mail: artofgene@kiro.re.kr
Director in Machining Technology Center Institute of R&D of Hwacheon Machine Tool Co., Ltd.. His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: msj@hwacheon.com