대형 챔버 최종 가공 공정 데이터 기반의 시뮬레이션과 FOM을 통한 생산성 개선 예측
Because of the acceleration of DX and the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, productivity improvement is required for manufacturing companies to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and rapidly adapt to changing market conditions. Therefore, efficient evaluation and verification are possible if the simulation of the FOM(smart-factory operation management) and CPS(cyber-physical system) -based 3D process optimization model is analyzed by field manufacturing data as a method of predicting the effect of the improvement plan. Therefore, we analyze the process data of a large chamber using FOM, and sample the data, we determine the effect of enhancement through a simulation model, and predict the effectiveness of productivity improvement by feedback and verification. Consequently, many small and medium-sized manufacturing companies can achieve optimization of data-driven smart manufacturing sites and improve profitability through loss factor analysis and production forecasting, creating a foundation for growth as a competitive enterprise.
FOM(smart-factory operation management), CPS(cyber physical system), 3D simulation, Productivity improvement, PredictionAcknowledgments
이 논문은 중소벤처기업부 ‘중소기업연구인력지원사업’의 재원으로 한국산학엽협회(AURI)의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임. (2023년 기업연계형연구개발인력양성사업, 과제번호 : RS-2023-00259258).
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Graduate Student in Department of AI Smart Factory Convergence Engineering, Hoseo University. His research interest is Smart Factory Operation Management with AI.
E-mail: sangsoh@naver.com
Associate Professor in Division of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hoseo University. His research interest is Vibrational Energy Harvesters and Wave Energy Converters.
E-mail: mweagle@hoseo.edu
Professor in Department of AI Smart Factory Convergence Engineering, Hoseo University. His research interest is Applications of FOMs (smart-Factory Operation Managements).
E-mail: df2030@hoseo.edu