사각 형태 Shell-and-Tube 열교환기의 유량 및 열 조건에 따른 열전달 성능에 대한 수치해석적 연구
With increasing interest in energy, research on improving the performance of heat exchangers is gaining interest. In this trend, studies are being conducted to predict and optimize the performance of heat exchangers using numerical analysis. In this study, numerical analysis was used to compare the effect of the flow rate on the heat transfer performance of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. ANSYS FLUENT was used for numerical analysis, and thermal flow analysis was performed using a realizable k–ε turbulence model. Numerical analysis was conducted on five cases to compare the effect of flow rate and temperature on heat transfer performance. Results showed that increasing the cold water flow rate improved the heat transfer performance of the heat exchanger. Furthermore, a limit to the cooling of hot water was observed even with increasing injection temperature, and heating cold water was noted to be more effective.
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger, Numerical analysis, Heat transfer, Flow rate, TemperatureAcknowledgments
이 연구는 금오공과대학교 학술연구비로 지원되었습니다(2022-2023).
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Ph.D. Student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology. His research interest is Aerosol & Fluid Mechanics.
E-mail: eddi1993@kumoh.ac.kr
Chief researcher in Korea Testing & Research Institute. His research interest is Mechanical Engineering.
E-mail: hujiitzky@ktr.or.kr
CEO of Run Tech Corporation. His research interest is Thermal-fluid Mechanics.
E-mail: rtc@chol.com
Ph.D. Associate Professor, Kumoh National Institute of Technology. His research interest includes Aerosol Dynamics and Thermal-fluid Mechanics.
E-mail: yjseo@kumoh.ac.kr