유한요소해석을 이용한 함정용 진동저감 간이 모사시험장치의 정합성 검증
Technological developments to reduce underwater noise caused by equipment vibration on ships are essential to improve the operational capability and ensure the survivability of ships. Accordingly, several studies have been carried out to reduce the vibrations generated by mounted equipment. In this study, a finite element model was developed to predict the dynamic characteristics and control effects of a simple simulation test equipment designed to simulate the operating states of a ship. The predicted results were compared with the experimental results obtained from the fabricated test equipment to verify the accuracy of the model. The double elastic support model of the test equipment was designed using shell elements. The vertical and horizontal stiffnesses of the mount were defined using the Bushing Joint component. The dynamic characteristics and vibration reduction effects predicted by the active assembly of the finite element model showed good agreement with those observed from experiments.
Structure-borne noise, Vibration reduction, Pasive mount, Finite element analysis, Active assemblyAcknowledgments
이 연구는 2022년 정부(방위사업청)의 재원으로 국방과학연구소의 지원을 받아 진행된 연구임(UC210001DD).
Han, H. S., Son, Y. J., 2009, Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Impedance and Transmitted Vibration of the Foundation for the Equipment in a Naval Vessel, Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 19:5 462-467.
- Han, H. S., Son, Y. J., 2009, Investigation for the Restriction of the Stiffness and Mechanical Impedance of the Shipboard Floor and Foundation Considering Dynamic, Stiffness of the Anti-vibration Mount, Proc. Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, 511-517.
- Lee, H. H., Lee, M. G., Kim, K. H., Kim, T. G., Lee, S. W., Kim, H. Y., 2018, Study of Reaction Force Compensation and Active Vibration Isolation System with a Stage, Proc. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng. Autumn Conf., 65.
- Kim, B. K., Kim, J. S., Kim, H. S., Kim, H. J., Kim, S. R., 2000, Study on the Structure-borne Sound Transmission of a Machine through Rubber Mounts, Proc. Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Autumn Conf., 655-660.
Ji, Y. J., Kwak, J. S., Lee, H. Y., Kim, S. C., 2015, Optimal Arrangement of Resilient Mount installed on Frame Support Structure at Shipboard Equipment under Shock Load, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 52:4 298-304.
- Kim, H. S., Kim, J. S., Kang, H. J., Kim, B. K., Kim, S. R., 2007, SBN(Structure-borne Noise) Reduction of Resiliently Mounted Machinery and Effect of Foundation Impedance, Proc. Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Spring Conf., 423-426.
Han, H. S., Lee, K. H., Park, S. H., 2015, Design of the Base for the Onboard Installed Equipment to Minimize Structure-borne Noise, Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 25:6 432-439.
Moon. S. J., Choi, S. M., Jeong, J. A., Choi, S. B., Jung, W. J., Koo, J. Y., 2010, A Study on Development of an Active Hybrid Mount for Naval Shipboard Equipment, Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 20:7 685-692.
Researcher in the Department of Smart Manufacturing R&D System, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. His research interest is Mechanical Design of Semiconductor Equipment.
E-mail: amjeong@kitech.re.kr
Senior Researcher of Research Institude, RMS Technology Ltd. His research interest is Dynamic Analysis using F.E.M..
E-mail: dykim@rmstech.co.kr
Director of Research Institude, RMS Technology Ltd. His research interest is Vibration Control.
E-mail: swson@rmstech.co.kr
Professor, Software Division, Yonsei University, Mirae Campus. His research interests include Active Noise/Vibration Control, Deep Learning-based Signal Processing.
E-mail: young00@yonsei.ac.kr
Senior Researcher in the Department of Smart Manufacturing R&D System, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. His research interest is Precision Motion Mechanism and Semiconductor/Display Equipment.
E-mail: hak1414@kitech.re.kr