한국생산제조학회 학술지 영문 홈페이지

Current Issue

Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 33 , No. 2

[ Papers ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 89-97
Abbreviation: J. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng.
ISSN: 2508-5093 (Print) 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Apr 2020
Received 25 Feb 2020 Revised 30 Mar 2020 Accepted 31 Mar 2020

Maintenance-Centered Sustainability Analysis of Brick and Block Clamp
Anthony Johnsona ; Axel Lefeburea ; Juhye Shina ; Dongha Shima, *
aDepartment of MSDE, Seoul National University of Science & Technology

Correspondence to : *Tel.: +82-2-970-7287 E-mail address:

Funding Information ▼


This paper presents the analysis of the maintenance process effect on the sustainability of a brick and block clamp. Maintenance and refurbishment are essential practices conducted to enhance the sustainability by returning a product to full serviceability and ensuring the safety and usability to prolong the product’s life. Reusing a product through maintenance/refurbishment (M/R) reduces the energy involved in procuring new products, thus, minimizing the energy used during the product life cycle and enhancing sustainability. The maintenance-centered sustainability analysis (MCSA) using an energy balance sheet showed various energies involved in the M/R processes and in each clamp part. The estimated total input and recycle/disposal energy of the clamp with M/R was 9.9% and 8.1%, respectively, compared to clamp without M/R. The results show the benefits of M/R from the quantitative perspective of sustainability. MCSA, combined with other strategies, could be used for enhancing sustainability while reducing life-cost of a product.

Keywords: Maintenance-centered sustainability analysis, Brick and block clamp, Life cycle analysis, Maintenance and refurbishment, Embodied energy, Energy balance sheet


This research was funded and conducted under “the Competency Development Program for Industry Specialists” of the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), operated by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT). (No. P0002092, HRD program for Development of Advanced Designers for Highly-reliable Mechanical Components).

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Anthony Johnson

Professor in the Department of MSDE, Seoul National University of Science & Technology.His research interest is Sustainability Engineering.


Axel Lefebure

Student in the Department of MSDE, Seoul National University of Science & Technology.His research interest is Manufacturing Systems and Design Engineering.


Juhye Shin

Student in the Department of MSDE, Seoul National University of Science & Technology.Her research interest is Manufacturing Systems and Design Engineering.


Dongha Shim

Professor in the Department of MSDE, Seoul National University of Science & Technology.His research interest is Sustainability Engineering.
