한국생산제조학회 학술지 영문 홈페이지

Current Issue

Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 33 , No. 2

[ Technical Papers ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 339-343
Abbreviation: J. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng.
ISSN: 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Aug 2020
Received 22 Apr 2020 Revised 10 Jul 2020 Accepted 22 Jul 2020

인쇄전자 패턴의 핀홀 측정 방법 개발
김충환a, *

Development of a Measurement Method for Pinholes in the Printed Patterns of Printed Electronics
Chung Hwan Kima, *
aDept. of Mechanical & Material Engineering Education, Chungnam National Univ.
Correspondence to : *Tel.: +82-42-821-8584 E-mail address: (Chung Hwan Kim).

Funding Information ▼


In printed electronics technology, the pinholes in the printed pattern voids can affect the quality or performance of printed electronic devices. Therefore, it is important to measure and control the pinholes in printed patterns during the manufacturing process. The pinhole has a three-dimensional (3D) shape and should be measured using a 3D microscope for accurate measurement. However, such equipment is typically too expensive to be acquired by a small-sized company. This paper proposes a measurement method for pinholes in printed patterns, involving pattern images obtained using a relatively inexpensive 2D microscope. The proposed method is based on a pinhole threshold index, which defines the boundary between the pinhole and pattern. The actual measurement results are shown to have varying threshold indices. This research contributes to the advancement of the printed electronics industry.

Keywords: Printed electronics, Pattern, Pinhole, Measurement


이 연구는 충남대학교 학술연구진흥사업에 의해 지원되었음.

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2. Kim, C., Kim, C. H., 2018, Universal Testing Apparatus Implementing Various Repetitive Mechanical Deformations to Evaluate the Reliability of Flexible Electronic Devices, Micromachines., 9:10 492.
3. Salmerón, J. F., Molina-Lopez, F., Briand, D., Ruan, J. J., Rivadeneyra, A., Carvajal, M. A., Capitan-Vallvey, L. F., de Rooij, N. F., Palma, A. J., 2008, Properties and Printability of Inkjet and Screen-printed Silver Patterns for RFID Antennas, J. Electron. Mater., 43 604-617.
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5. Jeon, S. W., Kim, C., Park, J. V-C., Kim, D. S., Kim, C. H., 2014, Measurement of Geometric Properties of Printed Patterns and Evaluation of their Printability, J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng., 31:11 981-986.
6. Lee, S. Y., Kim, C., Kim, Kim, C. H., 2017, Optimization of Printing Conditions Using Design Experiments for Minimization of Resistances of Electrodes in Roll-to-roll Gravure Printing Process, J. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng., 26:4 351-356.
7. Kim, B. J., Choi, I. S., Joo, Y. C., 2016, Effect of Cyclic Outer and Inner Bending on the Fatigue Behavior of a Multi-layer Metal Film on a Polymer Substrate, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 06JF01.
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9. IEC, 2020, Printed Electronics – Part 402-3: Printability – Measurement of Qualities – Voids in Printed Pattern Using Two-dimensional Optical Image, 119/298/CDV 62899-402-3, Geneva.

Chung Hwan Kim

Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Material Engineering Education, Chungnam National University.He is also working as the convener of working group of international standardization for Printed Electronics, IEC TC119.
