한국생산제조학회 학술지 영문 홈페이지

Current Issue

Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 33 , No. 6

[ Article ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 215-220
Abbreviation: J. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng.
ISSN: 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Aug 2023
Received 05 Jul 2023 Revised 01 Aug 2023 Accepted 02 Aug 2023

부품성능 극대화를 위한 작동환경 반영 단계적 구조최적설계 프로토콜 개발
송여울a, * ; 송병욱b ; 정민교a ; 하태호a ; 이필호a

Development of a User-friendly Parametric and Topology Sequential Design Optimization Protocol
Yeo-Ul Songa, * ; Byeong Uk Songb ; Min-Kyo Junga ; Taeho Haa ; Pil-Ho Leea
aDepartment of 3D Printing, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Correspondence to : *Tel.: +82-42-868-7760 E-mail address: (Yeo-Ul Song).

Funding Information ▼


This study presents a novel protocol to enhance the structural optimization design, considering the real manufacturing environment. Conventional manufacturing methods appear inadequate in meeting the high demand for reducing the product size while enhancing performance. Therefore, next-generation technologies will necessitate innovative techniques such as additive manufacturing and design optimization to improve part performance. Additive manufacturing has revived interest in structural optimization technology. However, most companies remain hesitant to adopt new and optimized designs owing to their unfamiliarity with the design process and fear of failure stemming from unforeseen variables. Hence, the protocol proposed in this study offers user selection options based on parametric optimization using machine learning models while incorporating existing validated designs. The expected feasibility function (EFF) provides a guide aligned with specified thresholds, such as design constraints. Topology optimization, utilizing the initial design selected in the previous step, can advance the optimization of engineering products familiar to users.

Keywords: Kriging model, Topology optimization, User friendly design, Heat removal system


본 논문은 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국기계연구원 기관 기본사업 (NK242J) 및 한국연구재단 나노 및 소재기술개발사업(2021M3D1A2047721)의 지원을 받아 수행한 연구의 결과입니다.

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Yeo-Ul Song

Senior Researcher in Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials. Her research interests are Computer-aided Engineering and Structural Optimization.


Byeong Uk Song

Ph. D. Candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. His research interest is Optimization with Additive Manufacturing.


Min-Kyo Jung

Senior Researcher in Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials. His research interest is Design for Additive Manufacturing by using FEM.


Taeho Ha

Principal Researcher in Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials. His research interest is Additive Manufacturing Process and Equipment Development.


Pil-Ho Lee

Senior Researcher in Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials. His research interest is Process and System Development of Additive Manufacturing System.
