한국생산제조학회 학술지 영문 홈페이지

Current Issue

Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 33 , No. 4

[ Best Paper of This Month ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 165-171
Abbreviation: J. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng.
ISSN: 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Aug 2024
Received 28 Jun 2024 Revised 09 Jul 2024 Accepted 11 Jul 2024

직물형 형상기억합금을 이용한 초경량 모듈형 구동기의 설계 및 성능에 관한 연구
정현목a ; 박성준a ; 최경준a ; 박철훈a, *

A Study on the Design and Performance of Ultra-light Modular Actuator Using Textile Shape Memory Alloys
Hyunmok Junga ; Seong Jun Parka ; Kyungjun Choia ; Cheol Hoon Parka, *
aDepartment of Advanced Robotics Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Correspondence to : *Tel.: +82-42-868-7980 E-mail address: (Cheol Hoon Park).

Funding Information ▼


Actuator technology using shape memory alloys is used in various fields. It has been used in the medical field, to move small cameras or small parts of medical devices. Furthermore, it has been used to implement the movement functions of various robots in the engineering field. Unlike general mechanical actuators, fabric-type shape memory alloy actuators are flexible and light, and they can utilize the unique characteristics of shape memory alloys. In this study, an ultra-light module actuator using fabric-type shape memory alloy was developed and performance tests were conducted. A comparison experiment was conducted on the cooling performance of the driver depending on whether the cooling fan was running or not, and a force measurement experiment on the modular driver was conducted. Based on the experiments, the superior of cooling performance and driving power was confirmed. Additionally, the SMA actuator developed in this study is expected to be applicable in various fields.

Keywords: Shape memory alloy, Textile SMA, Modular actuator, Ultra-light actuator


본 연구는 산업통상자원부 로봇산업핵심기술개발사업의 지원을 받아 수행되었습니다. (과제고유번호 1415187105)

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8. Park, S. J., Choi, K., Rodrigue, H., Park,C. H., 2022, Fabric Muscle with a Cooling Acceleration Structure for Upper Limb Assistance Soft Exosuits, Sci. Rep., 12 11398.

Hyunmok Jung

Senior Researcher in Department of Advanced Robotics Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. His research interest is Industrial Robot System and Robot Actuator System.


Seong Jun Park

Researcher in Department of Advanced Robotics Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. His research interests include Soft Actuators and Soft Wearable Robots.


Kyungjun Choi

Researcher in Department of Advanced Robotics Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. His research interests include Artificial Muscles, Soft Actuators and Soft Wearable Robots.


Cheol Hoon Park

Principal Researcher in Department of Advanced Robotics Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. His research interests include Soft Actuators, Soft Wearable Robots and Magnetic Bearings.
